Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Life Updates: What’s Going on With Me?

Hello my loves! It’s been more than two years since I’ve posted something on this platform and I know y’all are wondering what happened to me. Well, life happened. I’ve been gone for so long and so many things have happened in those years - I lost two pets, got my certification for professional development that I worked and saved for a year, traveled a bit abroad, gained and lost some friends and relatives, went through slight depression (Ive found out that its caused by a bit of deficiency in some important minerals - more on this on an upcoming post), changed some of my eating habits for health reasons - basically, some of those unpredictable curveballs life throws at us. 

Anyways, how are all of you? I know that all of us go through some rough patches along the way, but the mose important thing is that we rise up and continue to move forward - an inch, a foot, a meter - it doesn’t matter - go at your own pace. 

So, the past years, I’ve made myself a guinea pig in testing some products and ideas (I lean on more on natural remedies and solutions that doesn’t hurt your budgets). Some worked, some didn’t. Those that work, I rave about them a lot to my friends and colleagues. I find that sharing my results give me joy and satisfaction. I want to share them to you my loves because I like sharing my experiences and maybe help you all as well. Who knows, I might save you hundreds and thousands of pesos (and dollars if converted) as well which is very good for your wallets and bank accounts hehehe (not so good on mine tho. Sad.)

Posting will be twice per week. And please don’t kill me on my grammar and vocabulary. I try but I ain’t perfect honey. Mwah!